• Brochure compilation "Management"

Compilation includes these brochures:

Brochure „Sample hat for the executive”

Who is more permissible to have flaws - a manager or an employee? What categories of people are unsuitable for employment? What are the primary responsibilities of a leader?

This brochure describes very important information about the work of a manager. By applying them, a person can become a truly effective manager.

Brochure „The responsibility of the leaders”

Is it easy to be a leader, a true leader? Is it easy to be close to a leader?

From this brochure you will find out what qualities and knowledge a true leader should have, who will not lead his associates to complete collapse. It also describes the required actions, without which people close to you can lose everything.

Brochure „Management essay”

Any association or group of people arises for some purpose. What is the relationship between the goal maker, the governing body and the group? What should be a real member of the group like? What should be a true leader like?

This pamphlet shows the in-depth laws of interaction between the goal-setter, governing body, and group. Based on these laws, you can build a really strong group.

Brochure „Executive tools”

How and when to conduct inspections? Why are employees very busy with work, but the returns from it are small?

This brochure describes the principles and procedures for conducting inspections by the executive director, as well as describing the common mistakes in working with staff and shows how to avoid them.

Brochure „Leadership”

How to become a true leader? What should be a true leader?

This brochure describes the basic abilities that make up leadership. Having developed them in yourself, you can become a real leader.

Brochure „Key components”

What are the essential components of an organization? What are the two main tasks of leadership?

This brochure describes the main components of an organization that really produces something useful, as well as how to implement new programs.

Brochure „Organizational policy and orders

Why do we need an organizational policy? Who should determine organizational policy? What will happen to an organization without a clear organizational policy?

This brochure clearly defines organizational policies and orders. This knowledge allows you to take a fresh look at the areas of confusion and restore order in the organization.


This brochure contains data that are easy to assimilate.
Each article is dedicated to one specific aspect that relates to business or organization processes in work, which makes them more valuable.

Brochure contains one article written by the author of management technology L. Ron Hubbard, as well as glossary* that was created specially for this article.

Purchase blue brochures for your employees, colleagues or friends. This way you can gain vital information about tools and principles of Hubbard Management System, create your own library of management technology materials or give them as a great gift  for your friends!

*Glossary— an alphabetical list of words relating to a specific subject, text, or dialect, with explanations.

Brochure compilation "Management"

  • 35.00€

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