Policy Booklets
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How is the strategic plan implemented? Why do ordinary employees make their own plans?This brochure ..
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What should financial management pay attention to? When and how should it interfere with company man..
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Compilation includes these brochures:Brochure „Battle plans”How is the strategic plan implemented? W..
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Compilation includes these brochures:Brochure „Sample hat for the executive”Who is more permissible ..
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Compilation includes these brochures:Brochure „How to handle back PR”What should You do if the media..
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Compilation includes these brochures:Brochure „Form of organization”How to determine if your organiz..
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What determines long-term income? What should determine the amount of employee salaries?This brochur..
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How and when to conduct inspections? Why are employees very busy with work, but the returns fro..
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How to determine if your organization is full of value? How long will it last?This brochure gives al..
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Is continuous development possible without a series of ups and downs? How to choose the right direct..
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What should You do if the media do not write about you well or spread hostile rumors? Can this ..
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What are the essential components of an organization? What are the two main tasks of leadership..
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How to become a true leader? What should be a true leader?This brochure describes the basic abilitie..
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Any association or group of people arises for some purpose. What is the relationship between the goa..
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Did you have a problem finding effective employees only recently? How to distinguish a really valuab..
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Showing 1 to 15 of 25 (2 Pages)
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